Detoxification: A Bunch of Hooey or Legit?

By Kristy Hall
Categories: Health Blog, Toxins / Detox

Detoxification for Health — Your Questions Answered Some people claim they are toxic and that they need to follow complex regimens to detoxify, while others have never even considered it. […]

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epigenetics and nutrition

Epigenetics, Nutrition, and Our Health: How What We Eat Could Affect Tags on Our DNA

By Kristy Hall
Categories: Epigenetics, Health Blog

What is Epigenetics? I was recently interviewed by Bailey Kirkpatrick of the website and was pleased to see our conversation appear on her website. Epigenetics, if you haven’t already […]

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Time for Healing

By Kristy Hall
Categories: chronic fatigue, chronic health concerns, Chronic pain, Health Blog, Inspiring people, Pain, Pain relief

Healing takes responsibility.  Healing takes guidance.  Most of all, healing takes patience. You didn’t get sick overnight, and you’ll likely not get healthy overnight.  I know that’s not what you […]

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