genetic testing privacy

Genetic Testing for Health: How Your Data Can be Used

By Kristy Hall
Categories: Health Blog

Your Genetic DNA Data: Privacy Concerns and Benefits to Testing As a Functional Nutritionist there is a lot I can do to help clients improve their health. I gather data […]

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chart of elements in foods

Run Away Anxiety? Use food to calm your mood.

By Kristy Hall
Categories: chronic fatigue, chronic health concerns, Chronic pain, Health Blog, Pain

Is anxiety following you around like a shadow?  You can calm your anxiety with some simple dietary changes. How can diet possibly cause anxiety?  There are several ways, actually. There […]

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Vitamin D fights chronic disease

The Scoop on Vitamin D

By Kristy Hall
Categories: chronic health concerns, Health Blog

Having optimal levels of vitamin D can protect you from auto-immune conditions, cancer, heart disease, depression and more. Take a quick read to learn where to get your vitamin D and how to determine just how much your body needs.

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