Functional Nutritionist’s Advice When Facing Cancer

By Kristy Hall
Categories: Epigenetics, Health Blog, My Experience with Cancer, nutritionist

Cancer Prevention and Support from a Functional Nutritionist’s Perspective There are few things in life as terrifying as getting a cancer diagnosis. Whether it is your health that’s in question […]

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expensive painful back surgery for scoliosis

Epigenetics: Preventing Hereditary Diseases

By Kristy Hall
Categories: Genetic Weaknesses, Health Blog

Epigenetics Shows Idiopathic Scoliosis May not be so Idiopathic When we, as medical professionals, don’t know how or why a disease develops, we say it is idiopathic. For example, when […]

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abdominal pain sign of food intolerance

Your Best Diet in 2018

By Kristy Hall
Categories: Health Blog

The Comprehensive Elimination Diet   There is no diet that is right for everyone.  Not GAPS, Paleo, Whole 30, Macrobiotic, or any other number of diets that have been popularized […]

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