dietary toxins from spraying

Are You Feeling the Effects from Dietary Toxins?

By Kristy Hall
Categories: Brain Health, chronic health concerns, Chronic pain, Food as Medicine, Genetic Weaknesses, Health Blog, long-term conditions, mood, mood disorder, nutritionist, Pain, Pain relief, Toxins / Detox

There are many people who quite literally FEEL the effects of dietary toxins (yep, that’s toxins found in the food we eat.) I happen to be one of them. Maybe […]

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Loveland Forest Fires Affect Air Quality

Forest Fires Affect Your Air Quality

By Kristy Hall
Categories: Health Blog, long-term conditions

2020 will be remembered not only for Covid-19, but also the horrendous forest fire season in the western part of the United States. As I write this, Colorado is experiencing […]

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